Hank Lazer, from Poem Series

Covid19 Sutras 

                  COVID19 SUTRA 4 (excerpts)

(we’re back?)


actuality is not

flat      this morning

the voice has not

entered me       shadowy


                                                      light through pines

                                                      to see it steadily

                                                      peace  &  compassion

                                                      are these the voice


                                                                                                            it itself remains

                                                                                                            the question       head

                                                                                                            heart  hand       trans

                                                                                                            mission is happening



we could think

about it forever

walking upon the bare

ground       i look down


                                                      transparent   eyeball

                                                      i have no head

                                                      i never did

                                                      it all passes


                                                                                                            through me i am

                                                                                                            a door way   a portal

                                                                                                            an occasion by which

                                                                                                            it arrives



magical catalyst                                                                                                     

read this     remember

something else     mind

in tranquility sees


                                                      it as it

                                                      arises it is

                                                      place that shelters

                                                      you        know one


                                                                                                            place well       changing

                                                                                                            light      seasonal

                                                                                                            dance of green & gold

                                                                                                            this happens to you



We debate the meaning of the numbers.                                                       

Infection count, death count, caught in a time delay.

Death of logic, death of rationality, science becomes

   something to believe or not.

Once that verb gets introduced, science finds itself cast

    into a space where it perishes.


                  The future has contracted into now & the next few months.

                  Pileated woodpecker pounds the railing of the deck.

                  Whoever told you that observing your mind was easy?

                  I can’t live like this all the time.


                                    We already are self-driving cars.

                                    Nothing so pleasing as that first bowel movement of the day.

                                    Hydrangeas are beginning to bloom & a few gardenias too.

                                    Time & change:  listen to the tune underneath it all.



meaning cannot be                                                                                                    

extracted from daily

reality so don’t 

expect it in a


                                                      poem       cascade

                                                      of overlapping bird

                                                      calls traffic & human

                                                      activity mix with


                                                                                                            wind through trees

                                                                                                            who would seize

                                                                                                            on one thing

                                                                                                            over another




“We inherited a broken, terrible system,” Trump told reporters on April 18. “Our cupboards were bare.  We had very little stockpile.”[1]

Branches of the gardenia bush bow down overflowing with blossoms.

“Trump can lie, but the numbers cannot.  Obama left office with an unblemished record of building up the nation’s pandemic preparedness.  Trump systematically sought to dismantle it.”[2]

The new sod – centipede – is beginning to take root filling in the bare patches.


“By Obama’s final year, the nation’s preparedness on all measurements was 98% to 100%.  That’s by the Trump administration’s own assessment.”[3]

If it’s not possible to sit in the morning, I sit in the afternoon.

“If the cupboard was bare, it’s because Trump swept it clean.”[4]

Typically drawn in the shape of a quickly & expertly drawn not fully closed zero, the enso itself displays a generative emptiness.


“Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back,” says Trump. (May 15, 2020)

“He was just in a fucking rage.  He was saying, ‘This is so unfair to me! Everything was going great. We were cruising to re-election!’”[5]

“American virus deaths at 100,000: What does a number mean?”[6]

“We’re back.” ?  My ass, you stupid motherfucker.  As if a cloud came over me… 



[1] St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 25, 2020.

[2] St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 25, 2020.

[3] St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 25, 2020.

[4] St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 25, 2020.

[5] Gabriel Sherman, Vanity Fair, May 26, 2020.

[6] Associated Press headline, May 27, 2020. 

Laura Hinton, “Woman of Pompeii—A Day in August 79 A.D.” (Photo taken in modern Pompeii, Italy, August 2019; camera lens located in front of a museum glass house, which holds the plaster-of-Paris body casts whose hollows were created by bodies as th…

Laura Hinton, “Woman of Pompeii—A Day in August 79 A.D.” (Photo taken in modern Pompeii, Italy, August 2019; camera lens located in front of a museum glass house, which holds the plaster-of-Paris body casts whose hollows were created by bodies as they eventually disappeared inside the sealed volcanic ash. So they are not bodies; they mark the absence of bodies.)