Pina Piccolo 

Mahmoud Darwish Whispers His Soul over Gaza

You were taken by a merciful death, Mahmoud
Lest phosphorous devour your heart
A chorus of stones answered
As the Strip lay awash in wrath
And a swallow looked and wept
As the bricks came unwrapped
And the song of ages drowned
The knocks of unmanned flight
As a tribe of pigeons cooed
A sleeping lone baby
Through the night
And the ghosts of the olive groves
Bereft of poet
Sang the Buraq back to life.

Cris Cheek, “The Demographics” (multimedia)


Kyiv; or Playing with Shadows

Shadow playing

With bits of flesh

And rubble

Over the rumble

Of the artillery

Over the hissing

Of the drone

Over the flash

Of terror

And the paralysis

Of dread


Playing in the shadows

The sniper adjusts

The target in the cross-hairs

To make sure the word

smithereens is onomatopoeic

The walls hold the shadows

Of the fleeing millions

Just as the concrete

Trapped the outline

Of the girl of Hiroshima



Cris Cheek, “The Cyber Warrior” (multimedia)

For Aleppo

April is the cruelest month of all

said the crow

as she sat in mourning

near a crumbled hospital wall

where ten tender bodies lay

next to the last pediatrician

who wouldn’t leave the city


In the olden days

that city had a port

and it was near those very same walls

that Jonas was dragged

 by an obstinate old whale

who wouldn’t let him

escape his gift of prophecy


Can’t turn your face away

from the evil that was wrought

upon your fellow beings

on the land, the air and the sea

Can’t turn away

cried the crow

as she pecked at the salt

of indifference and deception

to make its gullet

turn it into tears.

“Kyiv; or Playing…”,continued from left bottom)

Memento mori walls

To dust you shall return

No hard witness encased

To undermine the debunking

As no bunkers

Are ever safe

And the panzer

Strays in the countryside

Stuck in the mud

With no fuel


Pulled and yanked here and there

To fit patterns and designs

Spawned by power gamers

(and their geopolitical faithful

of all ilk and profession)

The truth mournfully lies in cosm-agony

No longer confiding in a rescue

Or a coup de grace